Friday 27 April 2012



Our polyagamous president has jus recently married his sixth wife Bongekile Gloria Ngema who adds on as a fourth wife to the already present list of four wives that he has married in less than four years. He marrried her on the 20th of april and they have been dating for over ten years and have a seven year old son together. Controversy has been stirring over the fact of him having many wives. People have been debating issues such as he is not leading by example and setting a bad example to society. Is it becuase he is a president therefore he should be leading a specific lifestyle? yes he should be, but are we now denying him the privellege of practising his culture? 

To be or not to be? Is this a question on whether to practise culture or not.Or is this democratic society that we live in granting us so much  power and privellege to actually go in-depth when in comes to evaluating other peoples tradition. If the zulu clan approve of polygamy we must just let it be.  South Africa is a diverse country with a whole lot of versatility within the different cultures encompassed therefore we should all learn tp appreciate each other the way we are. Each and every individual has they own way of doing things therefore we should rather learn and respect tradition rather than being a stereotypical country. Http://

Friday 20 April 2012


African Woman Really Doing it for themselves!

When Liberia became the first country in Africa to have a female president in 2006 it made history and left alot of people with questions on whether will a woman be able to take over such a huge position or not? It is amazing how Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is still in the game and has proven alot of people wrong not only man but woman too. Lets face it we as woman also lack self esteem and have not yet adhered to the change. As a young woman in Africa it is an honour and privellege and makes me proud to be witnessing real change in the continent. Hailing from this continent in the past meant that woman are restricted to alot of things simply because of the culture and belief of most man in Africa, tradition simply meant that a womans job is in the kitchen and only in the kitchen. I am proud to witness such magnificent work that is done by fellow females in our continent it is uplifting and showing that ladies are doing it for themselves.
                souce: AFP Recently news flashed that we have indeed another female president who has made history by becoming Malawis first female president and only the second in the continent. It is woman like Joyce Banda who make us strive and work hard to become successful in everything that we do. They have broken the barrier of negativity towards woman and have shown their capability that if tou put your mind to it you can never go wrong that what man can do we can also achieve. Coming from an era where woman were deprived and meant to endure marriages so that they are not empowered to stand up on their own, but through all odds these woman have overcome the challenges and have built a platform to empower every woman in the world. They have paved a way for the youth, that through all circumstances and challenges that we are facing in the already male dominating environment we should not be intimidated but rather find ways to uplift ourselves. Slowly but surely woman ARE taking over, the sky is the limit and it is up to every individual how far they are willing to reach. YES WE CAN!!!