Tuesday 28 August 2012


New painting of the presidents genitals. An insult!
The president of our country has been yet again compelled to another profain painting of his manhood. When will such humiliation come to an end. What kind of a nation are we? Most recently between the course of the year the entire country had to witness the painting of Zuma's pure manhood in artform, the painting was titled 'The spear'. This did not hit our repytation as a country very well amd therefore this painting was ordered to be removed.

Image above: A painting of msholozi
by Ayanda Mabulu being launced at
Cape town for the price of R75 000.
Could this be talent or:

  • An act of desperation by struggling individual
  • Relying on humiliating the president to hog the media
  • In search for quick cash
Or merely in a quest to finally get the president to resign from his job as a president.

After such a bad image that we already have as a country there is another painting that is still putting shame to his name and the title to the nation. This new painting is the artwork of Ayanda Mabulu and this time the president is dancing in traditional attire with his private parts exposed and and titled "Umshini Wam" painting worth R75 000.

Image above: A photo of Jacob Zuma and Julius
Malema showing their private parts.

South africa is well known for its diversity and unity. We are a well
groomed nation and respect each others traditions. What are we doing to these values, It looks as if hopefuls are masquerading as artistsand insulting their very own president. Let us unite and build this nation as one. http//:www.timeslive.co.za.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Youth prefer Motlanthe to Zuma.


Young south africans prefer Kgalema Mohlanthe to Jacob Zuma as a candidate, although neither of them are to popular.

Young South Africans prefer Kgalema Motlanthe to Jacob Zuma as a presidential candidate, although neither of them are that popular. A survey was implemented in south africa using cellphone during the fisrt two weeks of August based on who is the best candidate for presidency.
Image above:President Jacob Zuma with Deputy Kgalema Mohlanthe and
secretary Gwede mantashe at Zumas 70th Birthday celebration.

The outcome were as follows:
  • 23% of the youth said that they would like president Zuma to continue his presidency for 2014
  • 36% chose deputy president Kgalema Mohlanthe
  • 41% of the respondents rejected both the candidates
  • 20% of the respondents did not care who is their president

I do not how a survey is going to help the already too much existing issues that we already have. Given the choice according to a lot of south african youth Kgalema Mohlanthe seems to be the ultimate choice between the two.  The survey was conducted to a number amounting to 4637 South africans aged between 18 and 34.
Are we really going to utilise our time by trying to alter a cabinet extiguished with prominent members of society who merely do not work hard enough to eradicate or curb the problems facing us as a nation.
The only way we can show our corparation in affair is by voting. Are we as the youth voting? are you voting? or do we expect things to change themselves. Like the quote says " Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what can you do for your country." Do you think if Kgalema Mohlanthe is given the opportunity he can do better?  http:// www,timeslive.co.za/politics/2012/08/12

Wednesday 15 August 2012


Let them stop.

When I recently heard about the 'boeremag' it was a total shock never ever did I imagine that it could ever come back, by 'it' I mean apartheid. At this moment it might feel a litle bit uncomfortable for most South africans to be citizens in a country where there are still chances of apartheid coming back. On the other hand we have to face reality racism will never end,and as for the boeremags this is only the beggining. 
Two of the 22 Boeremag treason trial accused are seen in the North Gauteng High Court where judgment finally commenced. (Sapa)
           Above: Two of the boeremag treason trial
            accused are seen in the North Gauteng
            high court were judgement finally commenced
 The Boeremag plan to:
  • Take control of South africa
  • White afrikaners will store 200 litres of diesel and the three days worth of food for the attackers
  • Aerial photos will be used to plan attacks on key millitary bases
  • Individuals, including the minister of safety and security, and possibly Nelson Mandela, would be assasinated, probably by snipes white afrikaners would flock to the banner of the boeremag and attack black people
  • A millitary government would be established made up of only white people.
  • cause chaos by denotating car bombs at various locations in Gauteng

The boeremag are a group comprised of white afrikaners who want to bring back apartheid to South africa. These men feel that the goverment has to go back to white people therefore they will amend means to take over the country. There can never be war in this country, we have come so far to just give it all up. Their plan to destroy fellow south africans by causing divisions in the country will never work.

Tom Vorster (Brendan Croft, Beeld)
Above:Tom Vorster, one of the leaders of
boeremag (beeld)
South africa is a solid and a unified country it has taken us too long to reach where we are today. I believe that there is anger amongst us now that we are aware of what might possibly happen to us. Our current government might be lacking here and there but division amongst ouselves is not a solution. I fail to understand where the problem in this lies, is it because the Country is governed by a black person? or is this just mere plain selfishness of a group of twenty men who think they are courageous enough to bring back the past. 20 people can never destroy and divide us. Http://www.timeslive.co.za.

Monday 6 August 2012

No books, no education


What is happening to this free education...

During the past few months it has been reported that there are schools around the province who have not yet recieved textbooks for their pupils. It is extremely shocking to know that this issue is only raised now halfway through the academic year, were these same textbook not meant to be a fundamental foundation to guide these pupils and serve as a platform to the introduction of the curriculum.

Education is an essential privilege to each and
every individual regardless of who you are and
image above: A large number of textbooks found dumped in Limpopo
where you hail from.The state is forever preaching the gospel of the importance of education but they are the ones that are denying society the access to basic education.

Half of the academic year has already gone passed I tend to wonder what these victimised schools have been using as study material thus far.
image: Basic education minister Angie motshekga
Controversy is yet again to prevail as to who is going to find themselves responsible for this saga. The first perpetrator being basic minister of education Angie Motshekga, is it not her sole duty to ensure that these textbooks are administered to schools in time. She has now adopted the style of establishing a hotline for the schools to call on so that she can determine the number of schools that are still left without textbooks. This will not in any change the fact that thousands os pupils are faced with a possiblity of having to repeat the a grade. This is yet another waste of time and money... Jacob Zuma also implemented a hotline and what did that hotline do for us? They should just own up to their mistakes and fix this mess.