Monday 6 August 2012

No books, no education


What is happening to this free education...

During the past few months it has been reported that there are schools around the province who have not yet recieved textbooks for their pupils. It is extremely shocking to know that this issue is only raised now halfway through the academic year, were these same textbook not meant to be a fundamental foundation to guide these pupils and serve as a platform to the introduction of the curriculum.

Education is an essential privilege to each and
every individual regardless of who you are and
image above: A large number of textbooks found dumped in Limpopo
where you hail from.The state is forever preaching the gospel of the importance of education but they are the ones that are denying society the access to basic education.

Half of the academic year has already gone passed I tend to wonder what these victimised schools have been using as study material thus far.
image: Basic education minister Angie motshekga
Controversy is yet again to prevail as to who is going to find themselves responsible for this saga. The first perpetrator being basic minister of education Angie Motshekga, is it not her sole duty to ensure that these textbooks are administered to schools in time. She has now adopted the style of establishing a hotline for the schools to call on so that she can determine the number of schools that are still left without textbooks. This will not in any change the fact that thousands os pupils are faced with a possiblity of having to repeat the a grade. This is yet another waste of time and money... Jacob Zuma also implemented a hotline and what did that hotline do for us? They should just own up to their mistakes and fix this mess.


  1. Education is a priveledge that is for everyone. I also fail to understand what material the students have been using thus far but more importantly I fail to understand why communication of issues such as the limpopo textbook saga have to get to such unbearable circumstances before action is taken by the government. Are we living with a reactive government?

  2. The problem lies at the top management, not teachers or distributers, something very serious should be done to rectify this mess!

  3. Our government is really failing us as a nation, no child should be deprived the right to basic education.
